by Adam Payne | Nov 15, 2012 | Conference
We’re all set to go here in National Harbor, MD for tomorrow morning’s 2012 ISITDBT Conference. In the morning, please start by hotel main registration and then head into the Convention Center by taking a first escalator (or elevator) to the second level of the Convention Center. As you enter the Convention Center area, please proceed up the escalators to the third level in the National Harbor area. Please go into the hallway under the large sign marked National Harbor and down that hallway, eventually making a right. National Harbor Rooms 4 & 5 are on the right hand side of the hallway after you proceed up that National Harbor area escalator and into the hallway.
It appears that we will be able to check registrants in electronically, so please feel free to bring your tickets either printed out or on your mobile device (including Passbook enabled tickets). Please then pick up the packet of handouts and pick up your name tag, and enjoy the Prince George’s Continental Breakfast and coffee as you chat with new friends and old. Registration opens at 8AM and the conference will begin promptly at 8:30AM.
If you have purchased Continuing Education credits, you must also sign in the old-fashioned way, too.
See you in the morning,
by Adam Payne | Nov 14, 2012 | Conference
Just a few words of thanks to show appreciation for the fact that Seth Axelrod, PhD, from Yale University Medical Center, will be leading our opening mindfulness exercise at tomorrow morning’s conference.
Additional thanks to Larry Katz, M.D., from the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, who will be introducing our research presenters.
Please note that if anyone is planning on registering at the conference tomorrow, we can only accept checks or cash at the conference entrance. Credit card registration through Eventbrite will remain open until the conference starts, if you log onto:
Please have safe travels and make sure to check the ISITDBT website for any last minute information about the Conference.
Best regards,
by Adam Payne | Nov 10, 2012 | Conference
We are looking forward to ISITDBT 2012 in just a few days! Please feel free to download the Eventbrite app with your ticket to your android phone or iPhone (Eventbrite tickets are passbook eligible) so that we can check you in easily … as long as technology is our friend on Thursday. For individuals who have purchased CE credits, there will still be a paper sign-in either way. CE credits can still be purchased now, but will need to be purchased before Thursday. We are not able to manage new purchases of CE credits on the day of the event.
Registration will start at 8AM at in the Gaylord National “Convention Center”, Level 3, National Harbor Rooms 4 & 5. Come hungry and ready for your coffee as the “Prince George’s Continental Breakfast” will be provided (Your registration fee covers this cost). Fancy, huh? The day’s activities will begin promptly at 8:30AM.

At registration, we will provide a name badge that has your choice of workshop listed. Please know that we will be unable to make changes to the Koerner / Swenson morning workshop as the safe room limit for number of people (fire code) has been reached. The schedule for the ISITDBT day will be printed on the reverse side of your name badge.
And to help you make your lunch plans for that day, please know that a list of local restaurants recommended by the hotel will be provided in the handout materials. You can also take a look at the local Yelp restaurant listings here as well.
by Adam Payne | Nov 7, 2012 | Conference
For anyone who may be doing last minute searches for accommodations, or who may be looking for a less expensive option for staying for ISITDBT and ABCT, a colleague forwarded me the following information this morning:
Just in case anyone else with the ISITDBT conference is looking for an affordable hotel, I found several in Alexandria, Virginia. The Holiday Inn Express is approximately 3-4 miles away from the Gaylord Convention Center on the Virginia side of the Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge.
Good luck and see you soon. We on the East Coast are very focused on our lodgings these days. Hope you find something that works for the Conference.
by Adam Payne | Nov 1, 2012 | Conference
I just heard back from our contact at the site for the ISITDBT 2012 Conference at the Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland. She reports that there has been no damage from the hurricane to the hotel or the surrounding area. Apparently, the winds whipped furiously, but the storm hit a bit to the North making it possible for them to escape damage. Our thoughts go out to all on the East Coast who remain without power or connectivity. (I have power, but I am dictating this post into my mobile phone as it is my only source of connectivity!) Assuming we can all get back on our feet, and with the support of our folks from the West Coast, it looks like we will be able to have our conference go off without a hitch! I look forward to seeing everyone very soon after we get a bit more cleaned up and we get a bit further back to normal.
Best regards,
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