ISITDBT 2013 Update and Request
Many thanks to those of you who recently made submissions for presentations for the November 2103 ISITDBT Conference. As previously announced, ISITDBT 2013 is November 21, 2013 in Nashville, Tennessee, immediately preceding the ABCT Convention.
We have had fewer submissions this year than in previous years. I certainly hope that the fact that the conferences (ISITDBT and ABCT) are being held in Nashville (and away from the coasts) is not a deterrent to people (Historically, the conferences held on the coasts have had larger attendance). Separate and apart from the conferences, the Opryland Hotel is “Bucket List Worthy” for its beautiful indoor gardens, as is the Grand Ole Opry for its music and history, and the city of Nashville has always been a favorite of mine. We have more space this year for ISITDBT, so this year is the year to travel and have fun at ISITDBT.
Having been involved with the ISITDBT program selection for several years before becoming the Program Chair, I have noted that the Program Committee seems to do best when it has a greater selection of proposals to work through and discuss. Having a greater selection allows themes to develop, and helps the committee to form a coherent program day. Therefore, if you had been on the fence, and were considering submitting a research or workshop proposal (and did not do so for some reason), I would ask you to consider again. If your spam folder ate the original announcements, or if ISITDBT fell off your radar, (first “Like” us on Facebook to make sure that does not happen again, and then) please go ahead and make your submission. Please send your submissions to isit@isitdbt.net Please consider sending an e-mail ahead, even as you get your submission ready, so that I can anticipate receipt of your one-page abstract. Because of the numbers I am looking for, I’m going to wing this one regarding the final-final submission deadline, so please help me out by getting hopping, and at least inform me of your intent to submit. Thanks.
Please note that this request for additional submissions does not in any way reflect on the quality of the submissions so far. In fact, I have quite consciously not reviewed them. I very much leave that to the Program Committee to perform their duties. For what it is worth, when all submissions are collected, I will de-identify the abstracts (as best I can) for all of the research, workshop, and poster submissions (poster proposals due Sept 10th), and then will send the de-identified proposals to the committee. In this way, decisions will be made based upon the content of the proposals and not on the notoriety of the presenters. This method is a repeat of the method which I initiated last year. That’s just the way I roll.
I can extend the submission period because we remain well ahead of the game for November. My request today hopefully will keep us there. My recent trip to Seattle confirmed that we are well underway for the second coming of the Clinical Seminar that was initiated last year with Katie Korslund, PhD, ABPP, Jennifer Sayrs, PhD, ABPP, and Shireen Rizvi, PhD This Clinical Seminar is back on the proposed schedule for the afternoon session, with an aim to see if DBT Skills Group can receive the same fabulous analysis as Emily Cooney’s DBT Individual Session did last year. Please anticipate a formally announced complete Workshop and Research Panel Program Schedule by the end of July 2013.
Poster people, the deadline for Poster Submissions is September 10, 2013, so you still have time, but please use your summer well in your preparations. Registration for ISITDBT will also open in September (on or around September 5th). Lastly, PLEASE do not wait to make your nominations for the ISITDBT Researcher Award. We will accept nominations at any time, so that hurricanes or not, we will have an honoree this year. See additional information on the isitdbt.net Conference page for more.
With hopes for pleasant days for all of you, wherever you may be.
Best Regards,
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