Upcoming Deadlines for Posters and for Award Nominations
- The due date to submit abstracts for the afternoon Poster Session at ISITDBT 2013 is September 10, 2013. We received a “goodly batch” of abstracts over the weekend, and there is still room for more. Authors of accepted posters will be notified of acceptance on October 4th.
- The due date for nominations for the 2013 ISITDBT Research Award is September 15, 2013. Please consider honoring your colleague by taking the time to write your rationale for a deserving DBT / BPD researcher.
Registration is going quite well. We are four days into registration and current registration totals have already have reached 20% of last year’s total number of registrations. Please remember that early bird rates only last until October 10, 2013, at which time rates will increase. Please consider registering by this early bird date to help me have accurate numbers for ordering the morning continental breakfast and the afternoon coffee. Also, I do expect that some workshops will reach the limit for registrants somewhere during the registration timeline. We are not at that point yet. Early registration will remove the chance that you may get closed out of a preferred morning workshop.
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